QHSF: More than a Buzzword…

Nigeria Focused

IPL recognizes the long term value of Nigerian content to its growth, its operations and its importance to the economy and people of Nigeria. IPL thus declares that it shall carry out its operations in accordance with the Federal Government of Nigeria’s aspirations an in conformity with laid down laws and regulations.

Paying Attention to HSE

IPL considers health, safety and environmental issues of its operations to be of paramount importance. All its operations shall be planned and executed in such a manner to prevent accidents and injuries and to maintain the health and safety of its employees and communities.

Furthermore, IPL wishes to protect all persons with whom employees may have association during work activities. It is therefore the intention of the company to observe and comply with all statutory provisions, requirements of clients and to take any additional measures whit it deems fit in the pursuance of safety.

IPL will plan and execute its operations in such a manner as to minimize impact on the environment and strictly adhere to sound environmental principles, as it is committed to maintaining the ecosystems in the environment it operates. We do this because we believe it is right and good business practice.

Quality is Key

The promoters of IPL believe that any successful venture must have at its core, an enterprise widely dedicated to the highest standards of quality management. For IPL, therefore, quality is not just a buzzword, but also a conscious continuous process of improvement.

One Community for work, play and life.

To this end, the company has developed its quality objective to include the following core modules:

  • Ensuring that all deliverables are fit for the purposes for which they were conceived or intended:
  • Ensuring consistent satisfaction of clients and other stakeholders
  • Effective utilization of resources to achieve business objectives
  • Management of efficient processes to ensure satisfaction at all levels of the organization.
  • Ensuring adequate provision and maintenance of infrastructure needed to achieve consistent quality service.
  • Engagement of competent and trained employees and professionals to perform assigned tasks.